/w/ Consonant Blends: Practice Your Pronunciation

In this lesson, we will practice consonant blends that include the /w/ sound. We will learn the spelling and pronunciation of words spelt with ‘tw’, ‘sw’ and ‘dw’.

We will also learn the spelling patterns of words spelt with a ‘w’ that is not pronounced. 

This lesson is Part Two on the /w/ sound. For Part One of this lesson, CLICK HERE.

What is a Consonant Blend?

A consonant blend is when two or more consonants are blended together, but each sound may still be heard in the blend as a unique sound.  The most common beginning consonant blends include: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fr, tr, fl, gl, gr, pl, pr, sl, sm, sp and st.  Blends can also occur at the end of words as in the word “last”.  There are also blends which contain three consonants. 

As well as practising individual phonemes to improve their pronunciation, students also need to practise consonant blends, which are more complex in terms of pronunciation.

Use this audio repeat-after-me pronunciation training lesson to improve your British English pronunciation. Pay close attention to the sound of each words and practise aloud the following example words and phrases.

Practice Consonant Blends /tw/

tweezers: I lost my tweezers twice

▶︎ Tweezers are what you use to pluck out your eyebrows.

Practice Consonant Blends /sw/

swear: I swear I saw swans swimming

▶︎ When you ‘swear’ (v) something, you are making a promise that what you are saying is true.

Practice Consonant Blends /dw/

dwell: the Elves dwell in Rivendell

▶︎ ‘dwell’ (v) is a formal / literary word that means to live somewhere.

Spelt ‘wr’ pronounced as /r/ (no /w/ sound)

wren: when will I see a wren again?

▶︎ A ‘wren’ is a very small type of brown garden bird.

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