Growing Your Confidence & Skill to Shine When Speaking English
For people who want to shine when speaking English, so that they can do better in their lives.
Jade is taking a break from teaching, but you can still join one of her courses via this website. View her courses.

Jade's Lessons and Courses
Jade specialises in teaching accent and speaking skills.
On this site’s blog, you will find lessons that help you improve your accent and English skills. You will also find information about Jade’s courses.
Jade responds to emails from customers and provides assistance regarding her courses: sales@jadejoddle.com

Jade's Story
As a child Jade experienced mutism and was unable to speak even if she wanted to or needed to in some situations. To become the teacher and speaker she is today she had to go on a long quest to find her own voice. The gift Jade received as the result of her quest: her love for the English language!

Jade's Teaching Method
Accuracy is important
Speak like you, only better
Develop technical skill, speak clearly
Learn in a systematic way
Practise a little every day
Perform at your best